Not enough time? It’s all gobble gook to you? Not sure what else a decision impacts?
Want help with a decision from a safe financial resource that doesn’t have a stake in the outcome?
We offer a Financial Concierge service perfect for the 'buy an income property' or 'invest with my investment advisor' type of discussion.
The only product we offer is mortgages through Mortgage Alliance. We won’t push it on you. It’s a tool we’ve found is better managed by people who understand your objectives.
We bill by the hour for this service and if we can have one of our team members do the legwork we save you money too.

A Financial Renovation is truly a regrouping and reassessment of your financial situation, not your investments but your cash flow.
Where we do a Financial Renovation we look at a year’s worth of transactions and review with you where things have gone and what options there are to get to the new direction you envision.
We come back with suggestions and a blank sheet we use to build an Action Plan together.
(We find that a Financial Renovations is a natural precursor to using the Concierge Service.)
Financial Renovations are a flat fee and the fee is determined based on your transaction volume. You can use the data to help with your taxes if the timing is right.

No one does bookkeeping quite like us.
The reason is we track much more than is needed for your accountant so you can make better decisions because you can see more clearly where the money is going.
We find that professionals and other small businesses really love this service because we capture more of the data for the business deductions and keep track of things for your personal taxes too.
We can put spending parameters into the review so you can see how you’re doing.
It follows that the Bookkeeping is a natural follow on to the Financial Renovation and supports the Concierge Service.

This is a specialized project service to get you through a crunch i.e.
We help you get ready for your taxes
Give us your boxes of receipts so we can prepare a CRA Documents Request Package
We’ll help you get your financials together for a divorce-L3T Forms preparation as an example
Retirement expense projections that include when to repair the roof and/ or furnace.
Use of Severance funds

If you don’t know what this is, then you don’t need it! But for those of you who know what we’re talking about we prepare the documents you need for submission to the courts regarding spending. In order to provide this service, we will need some of your documents so we categorize items relevant to your case. Whether this is for you personally, or you the guardian or you the trustee we’ll take the burden of tracking on so you can focus on your duties and living life.

Sian is a recognized Mortgage Agent with:

#200, 2005 Sheppard Ave E. Toronto, ON
M2J 5B4 - 877-366-3437 #10530
We work with you to look at the various options associated wth your mortgage relative to your cash availability now and in the future. There are times when it is better to slow down the payment of a mortgage and times when it needs to be your main focus. We’ll help you with your present mortgage holder or source a new one. Where do you fit?
Sian Owen is a recognized mortgage agent with Mortgage Alliance and has access to more than 55 lenders. Perfect for scenarios where re-designing your mortgage is the most effective solution!
Situations where our expertise has been applied include:
• Higher than expected tax bills making it necessary to priotize spending,
• Debt reduction strategies to achieve being debt free by retirement,
• Out-placement package mangement while searching for new employment,
• Resolving credit bureau matters to achieve lower lending costs,
• Debt management strategies to improve disposable income,
• Basic cash management to achieve savings as well as pay off debt, resulting in an
increase in disposable income and
• Providing referrals to key professional resources: lawyers, investment advisors,
accountants and other specialists as required.
**Please note, we do not create Consumer Proposals nor are we Credit Counsellors or trustees for Bankruptcy.